Cold water pipes – the best products for durable networks
When creating a water supply system, it is extremely important to make the most correct choice of pipes. After all, the durability of the network, its reliability and water supply depend on their quality. On the profile market, products of various types are presented, and therefore it is extremely difficult for an ordinary average consumer to navigate correctly. When choosing modern cold water pipes, you should focus on products made from:
That is, we are talking, in fact, about plastic pipes, which are characterized by excellent performance properties. HDPE pipes are especially distinguished, which are almost ideal for providing cold water supply.

The advantages of HDPE pipes when creating cold water networks
HDPE pipes for cold water supply are made of low pressure polyethylene.
Among other advantages of HDPE pipes, it should be noted:
- light weight, which greatly simplifies the laying of the pipeline, installation and connection of individual parts;
- connection of individual parts can be carried out both by means of conventional fittings and with the help of special welded equipment that performs seam welding;
- resistance to the negative effects of corrosion;
- long service life – at least 50 years.
We add that the elasticity of the pipe is another plus. Since such networks will not break and burst if water suddenly freezes in them! And the material used for the manufacture of pipes is completely safe from the environmental point of view. Due to this, it is successfully used in the laying of water supply networks that supply drinking water.
And the low cost, with all other positive characteristics, makes such pipes the best option for creating a water supply system.
Where to buy cold water pipes?
In the profile market, such pipes are offered by many manufacturers. How to choose a truly ideal offer?
We advise you to contact the company “POLYMIR” – this is a Ukrainian company that has won the trust of hundreds, if not thousands of customers. Using only high-quality raw materials and innovative production technologies, the company creates really reliable and durable pipes.