How PE 100 pipes differ from industrial polyethylene of other markings

When choosing pipes, the buyer is faced with pipe markings PE 100, PE 80 and PE 63 and the question arises what is the specific difference, advantages and disadvantages of these markings. The production of polyethylene for the subsequent production of pipes from them, as a rule, occurs in two ways:
  • the first production method is carried out at low pressure and the output is polyethylene of two types of density – medium and high,
  • and in the production of polyethylene using a high pressure method, the result is low density polyethylene. Today, PE100 polyethylene pipes are one of the most profitable and durable pipes for use in various fields and with a service life of 50 years or more. But first things first.

PE 100 pipes and their predecessors in the production of polyethylene pipes

Initially, in the manufacture of pressure pipes, high-density polyethylene was used – a linear polymer, which included only ethylene molecules, for an ordinary layman, this fact will not tell anything, but in simple terms – such polyethylene, although it was of high strength, but this strength was rather short-term; during long-term operation of pipes, polyethylene was subjected to cracking. The marking of pipes made of such polyethylene was PE63, as it would be limited by the MRS value, which characterizes the long-term strength and the working pressure of pipelines in the calculations was 6.3 MPa.

After the discovery of cracking of PE63 pipes after long-term use, polyethylene pipe manufacturers did not stand still, and until the production of PE100 pipes, there was one more intermediate type of polyethylene pipes under the PE80 brand. The polyethylene used in PE80 pipes was improved and had greater resistance to destruction (cracking) in contrast to the previous generation and the MRS value was 8.0 MPa, which, in fact, was reflected in the change in the marking number of the PE80 pipe.

PE100 pipes differ from production polyethylene of other markings

But what didn’t suit this marking and prompted the manufacturers to remove the marking Pe100 pipes? As it turned out, PE80 polyethylene pipes, although elastic and resistant to the rapid propagation of cracks, cannot be used in the gas pipeline area and at pressures higher than 6 atmospheres.

But still there was a question about the use of polyethylene pipes in those areas where the operating pressure is required higher than is permissible in PE80 pipes and manufacturers by introducing additional groups of macromolecules into existing developments, achieving significant resistance, elasticity, and eliminating the problem of polyethylene cracking, stated in previous generations of plastic pipes. PE 100 pipes can be used for laying gas pipelines at operating pressures up to 12 atmospheres and pressures up to 25 atm for use as water pipes. The strength index MRS is 10.0 MPa and, therefore, the marking is PE100 polyethylene pipes.

As for the other advantages and differences of Pe100 polyethylene pipes, this is:
  • The weight of a PE100 pipe is much lighter than a PE80 pipe, and therefore the price is lower, both for polyethylene pipes and for transportation
  • PE100 pipes have a thinner wall thickness than Pe80 pipes, due to which they can withstand higher working pressure.
  • PE 100 pipes can be produced in larger diameters than PE80 pipes. But PE 80 plastic pipes are more flexible.
  • During the process of soldering a Pe100 pipe, a higher soldering temperature is required for tightness and high-quality welded equipment than for Pe80 pipes
  • PE100 pipes are more resistant to sunlight and external factors.

But despite the differences between PE100 and PE80 polyethylene pipes, each marking has its own advantages, a service life of 50 years, and each type has its own scope. You can buy polyethylene pipes in Kyiv, Kharkov, Poltava and other cities of Ukraine from the direct manufacturer Polymir – by contacting our managers on the Contacts page, get acquainted with the product range and download the price list for plastic pipes on the Products page. For all pipes, Pe100 inclusive for wholesalers, there is a flexible system of discounts.